Observation, sketching and what I've learned so far.
At the very least, one shuld make observation notes while observing the nightly skies.
In additions to notes, sketching is a popular side-hobby that many of us practice to record what we see through the viewfinder.
Sketching can take many different forms - from basic and simple sketches to more elaborate color drawings to
very specific, color correct, and accurate representations of "through the viewfinder" views.
The most important piece of equipment for astrophotography is your wallet.
You'll need a good to great telescope (so you can capture as much light as you can), a good to great
equatorial (rotating) mount (so you can track your target), a good to great camera (so you can record the light that comes in)
, and then a computer and software to process what you captured.
But, with all that, you can get some photos that will impress your friends and family.
(Sadly, getting NASA quality photos can be difficult even with great equipment, simply due to the atmospheric abberations
that affect all ground based telescopes.)